Our work/ Office 365 Renewal app

CRM app

Project Details

May 2013 - now
The Microsoft Office 365 team
Enable small resellers to get their customers back in store to renew their Office 365 subscription.

Renewal app for Office 365 resellers

Calanza designed and developed a Windows app for storekeepers who sell Office 365 subscriptions and who experience a challenge in returning visits of their customers. The app enables the resellers to increase customer loyalty in a pure and simple process. In the Windows 8 app a sales person enters the details of an Office 365 customer. A short period of time before the sofware subscription should be renewed, the app informs the reseller that it is time for the customer to renew. The shop keeper can send an email directly to the customer from the app, and add an interesting promotion to trigger the customer to come to the store.

Calanza developed the entire concept of the app, created the functional and graphic design, developed the app and communication materials and offers the app in the Microsoft App Stores in 10 markets in Western Europe.

Curious? Check out the app in the Windows Store

Shop keepers build their own database with customer details to whom they can send triggers for - amongst other things - renewal of their subscription. Result for the shop keepers is that they can count on more reliable customers and an increase of repetitive visits to their store.

Work by Calanza (in Dutch)



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